Photo credit: Mariya Georgieva
It's not just about food or about being thin.
It's about overall wellness and about feeding all of you:
your body, your spirit and your mind.
It's about redirecting your energy for long-term, sustainable lifestyle changes.

A Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with a specialty in Hormone Health, a Holistic Health Mentor, and a student of mindfulness and yoga.
I have a gift for connecting with people and I empower my clients to set goals and make sustainable, long-term lifestyle changes that improve their health and happiness.
I'm often asked: "Are you a Life Coach? A Nutritionist?
What exactly is a an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach?"
Let me explain.
An Integrative Nutrition Health Coach is a supportive mentor and wellness authority who motivates clients to achieve healthy food and lifestyle changes. Working with the whole person, asking powerful questions, taking time to hear the client’s concerns, and using specific tools is what characterizes Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching.

Through a nonjudgmental coaching partnership, clients are empowered to identify and overcome obstacles, and are encouraged to create strategies to ultimately reach optimum health.
Instead of prescribing one diet or way of exercising, Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches tailor individualized wellness programs that supports their clients' personal health vision, values and voice, and inspire long-term, sustainable changes.
To decide if health coaching is right for you, I invite you to schedule a free initial consultation with me.
During this session, we will discuss your health and lifestyle to determine how I can best support you in achieving your goals.
What are you waiting for? Let's do this!
Thyroid Health
Digestive Wellness
Food Allergies & Intolerance
Stress & Sleep
Better Focus & Energy
Mild Depression

Maude L., Montreal
"Janelle was my mirror. Thanks to her great generosity and her sensitivity, she helped me see in myself things I wasn't aware of and it allowed me to grow and overcome old habits and blocks. Janelle encouraged me to see my capabilities and help me let go of the past. I lost weight, kicked my coffee habit and my reflux esophagitis disappeared. My energy increased and I was able to start a projects that had been on the back-burner for years.
Thank you so much for all your support, for listening and for the positive feedback that you gave me. You've been a guide on my bumpy road and I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Andrew W., Montreal
"Janelle is absolutely amazing as a health coach. I was fascinated by the idea after numerous Facebook posts and because I very much believe in holistic, personalized health. Over the course of time that I have been working with her, I have lost 12 lbs and feel a greater sense of calmness in my life. Her personal approach, empathy and understanding is second to none. Keep up the great work Janelle! I recommend her to anyone looking to take control of their lives!"